EDS Analysis
In 2015 the Micromounters of New England (MMNE) initiated an effort to acquire Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) identification/confirmation of member submitted samples. Mineral samples from New England states are of particular interest. This web page provides links to MMNE sponsored EDS analytic results. Two pdf files are given for each New England state, one with EDS results sorted by species and a second file sorted by town within the state. Another pdf file (alphabetically ordered by species) provides more detailed Analysis Notes .
This species identification project is an ongoing effort by the MMNE. New analytic results will be posted as they become available.
Members are requested to refer to the Guidlines for submitting samples for analysis.
The table data provides initials of the specimen owner. MMNE members wishing to inquire further about an analysis should contact the indicated specimen owner. MMNE member email and postal addresses are listed annually in the club newsletter. MMNE member initial assignments are given below.